
  商品編號: 09861
  商品名稱: Autodesk Mudbox 2013 含 SP3 升級 動畫模型雕塑 英/德/法/日文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Autodesk Mudbox 2013 含 SP3 升級 動畫模型雕塑 英/德/法/日文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Autodesk Mudbox 2013 含 SP3 升級 
語系版本: 英/德/法/日文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 
保護種類: 註冊碼 
破解說明: 見最底下
系統支援: 適用 32 與 64 位元版的 Windows XP/7 
硬體需求: PC 
軟體類型: 動畫模型雕塑 
更新日期: 2012.11.29 
軟體發行: Autodesk(X.FORCE) 
官方網站: http://www.autodesk.com/mudbox 
中文網站: http://www.autodesk.com.tw/adsk/servlet/pc/indexsiteID=1170616&id=15191440 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
SP3 修正以下問題↓ 
- Crash creating a Stroke on Curve after undoing a Stroke on Curve 
- Artifacts when sculpting using PTX map on some systems 
- Frame Selection under the Display menu is broken. 
- Exporting an FBX file containing creases is very slow 
- 3Dconnexion: Camera direction flips when zooming in close to object 
- 3Dconnexion: A new slider has been added in the View Cube properties-> 3Dconnexion Properties...-> Input Threshold, which is the amount the user has to move the mouse before the camera starts to move 
- 3Dconnexion: Some 3Dconnexion properties are not being saved 
- Linux: Change PTEX library to use the Mudbox temp folder set in the preferences instead of getting the temp folder location from the operating system 
- Changed "Bits per Channel" field in "Extract Texture Map" dialog to a dropdown menu 
- Vector displacement map edge bleed is a different colour than the UV shell colour 
- Crash after creating a paint layer and view curve and then undoing the view curve and paint layer 
- Vector displacement maps have seams at UV shell border with absolute tangent space 
- Tumble (1-finger swipe) 
- Pan/zoom (2-finger swipe/pinch) 
- Tilt the camera (2-finger twist) 
- Return to home position (2-finger double-tap) 
- Undo/redo (3-finger flick left/3-finger flick right) 
- Set Center of Interest (1-finger double-tap) 
- Activate the Hotbox (5-finger hold) 
AutodeskR Mudbox 3D 數位雕塑與數位繪製軟體能讓您自由創作量產用 3D 數位藝 
術品,而無需操心技術細節。Mudbox  是專為遊戲、電影、電視與設計業的專業藝 
級擬真的 3D角色建模、引人入勝的環境及風格化的道具。可用於 Mac、Microsoft 
Windows 與 Linux 作業系統。 
◎世界級 3D 雕塑工具集 
◎在高解析度 3D 模型直接繪製 
◎3D 圖層 
可與 Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites 2013中的產品往返資料,而且與 
Adobe Photoshop 軟體的相容性更高。 
‧測試環境 Windows 7 SP1 64位元繁體中文版、AMD CPU、8.0 GB 記憶體。